Highlights in Babies and more: June 21-27

Like every Monday, we review the most outstanding contents we have published in Babies and more the last week. The vacations and the summer have been protagonists, along with reflections, news and advice that we happen to remember.

Future parents were interested in topics such as the Lunar Calendar to know the time of birth in July and the Chinese table to know the sex of the baby, although we are not too clear that it works.

With the summer school holidays already in full in our houses, we have asked you about how you solve the theme of the holidays and we have brought advice for babies in summer.

These days we have reflected on some comments that can be heard when you are a father, as if the mother works because Dad earns a lot, or the different opinions on when the socialization of children should begin.

Have been widely commented topics those referred to Beautiful People, an exclusive community of people considered as beautiful who has created a sperm and ovule bank for those who want to try to have handsome children.

And you have also expressed your wishes and experiences in whom you would like me to accompany you in childbirth and in regard to the withdrawal of Rotarix and Rotateq vaccines and if they can continue to be administered.

Other tips What we have offered are those related to infant feeding, such as these tricks for children to eat legumes. The words of an expert like Carlos González about taking children in arms close this review of the highlights.

We hope this compilation of posts from the last week I found it interesting. This week that begins we will try that the contents of Babies and more You find them interesting, enjoyable and practical to stay with us in summer.

Video: Games, And . 2018 Summary, moments and stuff. (July 2024).