Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

Like every Tuesday, we bring you a review with the best we have been able to read these days in some of the blogs written by dads and moms. Leaving behind the hangover of the holidays and the Magi, many other interesting reflections and proposals have caught our attention.

In Kiss of love We find a stop on what "we behave" we want from our children, on what we demand, on the pressures of the environment in which we fall as educators, on prizes and punishments ... We can read it in "Well behaved" Children , which reminds us that it is essential that we understand the needs of the little ones.

In Babies and Spices we realize an interesting initiative, "The other gift", that with the subtitle of "Do not get carried away by consumerism" bet to escape from materialism and recover the essence of the special gift with other alternatives, such as fair trade or Crafts.

These days My mom online It tells us about teenage pregnancy as a result of the series that has reached the Spanish screens and that probably sounds like, "The pact". In Seven pregnant teenagers we see that the series is based on a real event that we brought to our pages and that it gave a lot to talk about at the time.

Marsupina, mother kangaroo, tells us that she and her daughters sent their Hearts against leukemia, in the solidarity proposal that we talked about a few weeks ago. Well, they have received a response to their beautiful hearts, and they are told that there is a new challenge: to get 5000 hearts against lerucemia, one for each person with leukemia every year in Spain. Hopefully it will be fulfilled.

Finally, I wanted to finish this review with Four on the road and his instructions to set up a tent for children, a beautiful idea for traveling, adventurous or simply playful and country families. Of course, we will have to wait for good weather to ride it on the street ...

We hope this tour has been enjoyable. We will continue reading and adding a new week Review of our selection of dads and moms blogs.