More support and fewer judgments: depression is the number one health complication during and after pregnancy

Depression during or after pregnancy is a topic that is not often talked about, because in theory, it is a stage in which we imagine full of hope and enthusiasm. However, according to information from the American Psychological Association, one in seven women suffers from postpartum depression and half of them begin to show symptoms since pregnancy.

We have previously shared several studies that have given us the statistics of the number of women suffering from depression in pregnancy and postpartum, but on the website of the March of Dimes, an organization that protects the health of mothers and babies, it is reported in reality, depression is the most frequent health complication after childbirth.

Pregnancy, a whole transformation

If you asked me, how would you define pregnancy, I would say that it is a monumental and unique transformation in the life of women, which does not prepare us for the best maternity book written by the greatest experts on the subject.

We go through tremendous physical and emotional changes, in which basically you could say that we become another person, in a new version of us, while we are preparing for nine months for one of the most powerful roles of our lives: being mothers.

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The hormones play a great role in him and they are the main responsible for all the emotional changes we experience at this stage. Just as one day we can feel radiant and full of joy and enthusiasm for the arrival of our baby, the other we can feel that we are in a strange and unknown body, completely out of place.

Depression during pregnancy

Not all women experience pregnancy in the same way. While the image we have regularly of a pregnant woman, is the one that smiles and has its look full of illusion, there are times when due to personal situations, health complications or other reasons, pregnancy does not turn out to be that wonderful stage that many of us imagine.

Some of them may suffer from depression during pregnancy, something so common that it was found that one in four pregnant women suffer from anxiety and depression. Y when depression occurs in pregnancy, it is common for it to continue or increase after delivery.

Depression after pregnancy

When the pregnancy ends, what we could define as the last stage of this transformation begins: the transition to being mothers, where we find great changes in our routine, as we adapt to our new life as moms.

All these adjustments, together with the fears and doubts of a first-time mother, as well as hormones, which continue to play an extremely important role, they can increase the depression that occurred during pregnancy or appear for the first time after it. Postpartum depression is more frequent than we imagine, and even one study has long revealed that one in five hidden women suffering from depression or anxiety after childbirth.

How to help a mother with depression

There are many ways to help a mother with depression, but something very simple to do is just what the title of this article says: more support and less judgments. Becoming mothers can be a complicated process for some women, so it is important to let them know that they are not alone, that they have our support, and above all, that they will not be judged on how they feel.

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A hug, accompany her or say "I'm with you" or "count on me for what you need" may be small actions that are simple for you, but for her maybe they are just what you need. Support her, take care of her, let her know she is loved and she can turn to you if she needs it.

What to do if you are pregnant and think you have depression

I consider the best and most important thing you can do if you suspect that you have depression during or after pregnancy, tell your doctor and ask for help. Remember that it is not your fault and that there are specialists, such as psychologists, and places where you can go to help you treat it.

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Via | Hello Giggles
In Babies and more | Healthy mens… The emotional health of the pregnant woman also influences the baby, You can do a lot for her: how to help a mother with depression, Postpartum depression is more frequent than you imagine, but it has a solution

Video: Why Moms Are Miserable. Sheryl Ziegler. TEDxWilmingtonWomen (July 2024).