When they ask for nothing and we give it their all

Have you ever wondered why some children think they can have it all? This reflection is the result of having observed on a couple of occasions the behavior of some daddies with their children while touring a market or the stalls of a fair. When children don't ask for anything and parents flood them with presents.

Children may not ask for anything because they are babies and still do not know how to speak, or because they simply cannot think of asking. There are also some little ones who do not have time to ask, because even before seeing the supposedly desired object they already have it on top.

The picture is as follows or similar. When you start the walk through a summer market, imagine, placed on both sides, a girl is just leaving home accompanying her parents. At the end of the walk, the girl has eaten an ice cream, has a doll in her arms and is equipped with a Mickey hat and heart-shaped sunglasses. There is no sun, because it is night. And all that without opening your mouth (well, to eat the ice cream yes).

After the market, following the walk, when you arrive at a small children's fair, the girl without eating or drinking it ends up on the roundabout, and if there is a discount for buying three trips, there you see her ten minutes with a bored face.

Maybe (in all likelihood) when that girl grows up she won't let her parents get ahead of her, and during the walk in the market or the fair will ask, ask and ask. In front of the TV before the invasion of Christmas announcements, he will ask, ask and ask. In the mall you will ask, ask and ask. Of course it is not necessary to give them everything without asking for anything when they are small so that they lead to these situations when they grow up. There are many other factors that will make children ask us for things. Although that way they have more ballots to end up asking and asking.

But is it bad for children to ask?

They may end up asking us for everything, but after all they ask is not bad if they do not get everything they want instantly as if they had a magic wand to shake, and depending on how they ask for it. What's worse is that they can start to demand and not understand that they cannot have everything. The worst part is that they can get used to not having to work at all to get their wishes. And maybe, given the habit of having it all, they don't appreciate what they have.

I am increasingly clear that young children are happy with little. Or by far, as you look, because a homemade puppet or a blanket between chairs simulating a cabin can make them happy and they are "a lot" for them. That does not mean that I myself could not "resist" and ended up buying my oldest daughter a baby bag or some other whim. My whim, of course, not my daughter's.

What happens if we wait for them to ask?

Well first of all that We give you the option to choose and express your wishes. Apart from the "whims" I just mentioned, I try to be very careful not to anticipate my daughter's wishes. Many times we want to go one step ahead of them "wants this", "needs the other", "likes ice cream" ... And I find that he doesn't usually show those "material" desires, because he doesn't notice them, no you need them, just look at them without wanting to own them or you don't feel like it. That does not mean much less that he is not excited about what he likes, but at the moment he does not usually ask.

And if they don't ask us, of course they will also have their special gifts. We ask them and choose, or surprise them with a toy of their favorite characters. But I don't think it's good to fill them with gifts everywhere, neither on a walk through the fair nor on special dates, something that at Christmas can be almost inevitable ...

Try not to be overwhelmed with gifts, although this is more difficult to achieve when Christmas, birthdays or family visits arrive. You know what I am talking about, when it is difficult to "contain" ourselves, how are we going to get it from others.

Anyway, I think it is a good idea to "control ourselves" so as not to give them everything without them asking for anything. We talk about them asking for nothing. If they ask is another story, neither better nor worse, it will depend on how we carry it. Probably the time will come when they ask and we cannot give them and, in the meantime, I think they will better appreciate what they get after having asked for it, or after demanding it, but at small doses as a surprise.

Video: Ariana Grande - Intro Lyrics (July 2024).