Survey: how much do we spend on going back to school?

Many families are suffering these days: the beginning of school (back for some, first time for others) makes parents' pockets shake. But how much? It is what We intend to know with the survey that we propose today, how much we spend per child on the return to school.

We are going to focus on the stage of 3 to 6 years, in the expenses of school material (books and the rest of the material) and of clothing (uniform or not) per boy or girl. We leave aside other more variable expenses or that not all schools include, such as tuition, extracurricular activities, school canteen, AMPA ... and similarly exclude scholarships that reduce spending.

Thus, although surely for all the expenses increase with those other more variable concepts, but we standardize the answers focusing on clothes and material, something that everyone needs when starting school.

Taking into account that according to the Organization of Consumers the return to school in the 2009/2010 academic year will range between 209 and 1374 euros, these are the answers we propose:

  • I don't spend anything. For the parents with more luck that they can take advantage of material and clothes of some brother, friends… Recycling and obtaining that they lend us clothes and material, is there anyone who does not spend anything on these concepts?
  • Less than 200 euros. This group certainly includes parents who get, in part, material and clothing that they do not have to pay.
  • Between 200 and 400 euros. We are ascending in expenses and we are close to what would be supposedly the average cost per child.
  • Between 400 and 600 euros.
  • Between 600 and 800 euros.
  • More than 800 euros. A more expensive clothing and material, or the demand for the purchase of more material can cause the expense to go off. How much can you ascend?

So, take the calculator and tell us how much we spent on going back to school. Remember that you can leave your comments to make the clarifications that you see fit. In advance, thanks for participating!

Video: Families Expected to Spend Hundreds in Back to School Buying, Says Survey (July 2024).