A GPS to fight against childhood obesity

We all know how difficult it can be to remove those extra kilos, and this problem is exacerbated in children, as it is very difficult to impose a diet, and be behind them all day to avoid eating between meals and also exercise.

Obesity is one of the big problems for children in industrialized countries, and can have really important consequences in the future when these children become adults.

When a child is being controlled by his obesity in a medical consultation, he tends to lie or exaggerate his efforts to lose weight to avoid reprisals, and the doctor has a harder time getting a diet and exercise guide for the child.

In order to avoid this situation, the Valencian Community has just launched a pioneer measure called "eTIOBE program". It is about incorporating a small belt into the belts. GPS system that will measure the steps and amount of physical exercise that they do throughout the week, so that when they arrive at the doctor's office, he can see the actual exercise the child has done.

With this follow-up, the doctor will be able to treat the child in a more personalized way and obtain better results.

The program also includes several games in which all family members can participate, aimed at exercising the different parts of the body.

Via | 20 minutes In Babies and more | Obesity - News and news

Video: The city taking strides to tackle childhood obesity. 5 News (July 2024).