The stretch of summer, myth or reality?

It is likely that after the summer you will see your child taller or that the clothes have become too small ahead of schedule.

It seems that the child has grown faster during the summer than the rest of the year. But known as summer stretchIs it a myth or a reality?

There are several factors that influence the growth of a child. Genetics, determined from conception, influenced by the size of the parents, sex and race, and other external factors such as food, exercise, life habits, the diseases he has had, the affection he receives (yes, he is demonstrated that the children who receive the most affection grow more than those who have had emotional deficiencies) and apparently, also the time of the year, or rather, the weather.

Growth during early childhood is a homogeneous process although in some specific periods it can accelerate producing a sudden stretch, as sometimes happens in spring and summer. Unlike puberty, at which stage the child undergoes a very pronounced growth due to the action of hormones, when we talk about young children, the changes that occur are very slight.

Summer is the time of the year when children tend to do more physical activity, one of the factors that favors the growth process.

As I read in the book "Growth Delays" the climate fundamentally affects the speed of growth that accelerates in spring and summer and decreases in the winter months. He also notes that the inhabitants of warm areas have longer limbs.

I have looked for a study that talks about the growth of children in summer compared to other seasons. On the one hand, there is research that states that children tend to gain weight in the summer, perhaps due to eating disorder on vacation.

On the other hand, there are studies that confirm that the growth of the human body is greater in summer than in winter, with heat being one of the determining factors, which reaffirms the climate version.

That is, if like me, you notice that your little one has skipped a size this summer we can blame it on warm temperatures.

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