Canarias expands oral health benefits

In January 2007 the Ministry of Health of the Canary Islands Government launched the Child Dental Care Plan (PADI), according to the counselor, about 300,000 children aged 6 to 14 enjoy the attention of a dentist covering various oral treatments for free.

But PADI is going to enter its second phase, and as of February 2008, Free dentist services for children are expanded, the Regional Executive will have checks that will be delivered to families to pay for consultations and treatments in which endodontics have been included.

What they clarify is that the need for the treatment of children will be assessed, the checks will be based on the oral health problem that it presents.

This news has come precisely when the proposal of the Minister of Health Bernat Soria is on everyone's lips, of which we are already talking about Babies and more, an issue that the counselor sees as we do, “is electoralist and is not serious, since it is not going accompanied by a financial statement that supports it ”. There are many communities that offer children dental assistance for seals, extractions and revisions. But these may not be the only problems or those of greatest risk.

Endodontics is not always a matter of aesthetics, we insist that our mouth is part of our health, and oral treatments should be covered by Social Security. But we would also love to know the opinion of dentists.

Video: How To Care For Canary Birds (July 2024).