Toy Museum of Catalonia, a very attractive space for children

One of the places that can be visited during summer vacations is the Toy Museum of Catalonia which is located in the Catalan town of Figueres. It is a complex that offers visitors seven rooms where you can show your children the toys that your grandparents, your parents or yourselves played with.

Caballitos, mecanos, magic games, puppets, teddy bears, dolls ... in short, a wide assortment that shows an exhibition of about 4,000 pieces and that without counting a good number that can not be shown to visitors due to lack of space . Among the pieces you can admire toys that belonged to different celebrities, a whistle belonging to the famous painter Joan Miró, a rag doll by Salvador Dalí, etc.

The tour of the museum is accompanied by various children's photographs, both of those famous children we have mentioned, and others that show certain toys in full swing. Anyway, we recommend visiting the museum, it will be interesting, entertaining and fun for the whole family.

The museum is open every day without exception during the summer months, from 10 in the morning until 7 in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday. Sundays and holidays also open, although an hour later. The museum is located in C / Sant Pere Nº 1 of Figueres.

If you access the website you will find some toys with which the child can play online.

Video: Wonne Ickx: Specific Objects (July 2024).