Change our habits to have healthy children

If a child is born and grows up in a house where he smokes, he eats excessively and does not exercise, it is more than likely that his habits will go in the same direction.

Instead If the family promotes a healthy lifestyle, the child will surely adopt the same habits.

Adults know how bad life habits affect our health, but young children do not know. Therefore, parents are responsible for choosing for them, and for choosing the best for them.

Dr. Henry McGill, a scientist at the San Antonio Biomedical Research Foundation says that 90% of coronary attacks would be avoided if a healthy diet was followed and exercise was practiced since childhood.

And not to mention the cases of obesity that would be avoided and so many other diseases caused by bad habits of life.

If the parents spend the weekend locked up at home, playing video games and eating junk food, we will set a bad example to follow.

If, on the contrary, we teach them the benefits of exercising, practicing sports, discovering the taste of healthy foods, and forgetting about tobacco, we will set a good example to imitate.

We will be helping our children acquire those same habits and become healthier children and adults.

We are always on time to change our habits to gain in health, which is definitely what we want for our children, right?

Video: August 2015 Life Matters: Tips for happy, healthy children (July 2024).