Through photographs, children show the multiple reasons why their mothers are criticized

As mothers and fathers, we must make hundreds of decisions related to the care, upbringing and welfare of our children. Some will be easy, others not so much, and perhaps, many of them will be criticized by other people, making many mothers feel guilty.

With the intention of showing how ridiculous some of those criticisms we receive from mothers are, a photographer held a photo shoot, in which the children hold posters where they mention the reasons why their mothers have been criticized.

The photographer behind this session may sound familiar to you, as it is Abbie Fox of Foxy Photography, who has previously shared other sessions such as "Fed is Best", which pays tribute to all the mothers who feed their babies, regardless of if they give the breast or bottle.

Now, come back with a photo shoot that seeks to help end the famous "mommy shaming", an action that shames or criticizes the decisions of some mothers about raising their children. And although initiatives arise to end the famous and absurd war between mothers, there are still many things for which each is criticized.

That's why Abbie has thought that a good way to be aware of how unnecessary and sometimes ridiculous these criticisms can be, is expressing them in words and showing them through the children of those mothers who have been criticized.

I was born in childbirth at home I am educated at home My parents have full time jobs and I go with a babysitter I'm still going back in the car Our mom is a mom who stays at home

With posters in his hands, which they put sentences that indicate the reasons why they have been embarrassed or criticized, the children show that at the end of everything, each of their mothers does the best they can.

Because they educate at home, because they continue to take their older children backwards, because they do not force their children to eat if they do not want to, because they breastfed until they were two years old, because they fed them with formula of their own choice, because their continued exercise during the pregnancy and because they had caesarean section, are some of the reasons shown in the photographs.

My mom ran marathons while I was pregnant They fed me breast milk in a bottle until I was one year old My mom still sits in the back of the car next to me They feed me with formula by choice

The complete album can be seen on Abbie's Facebook page, in which she explains in detail her reasons for this photo session:

In this technological world in which we spend a lot of time on Facebook and in online groups of moms, we find one thing every day: criticism of other mothers. People say it doesn't happen anymore, but it's very present and can be brutal. When I was a first-time mom, I cried for things that people told me, and the main culprits were other mothers. Why we can't all get along is a question I ask myself all the time.

If our children are healthy, happy and thriving, who cares that our parenting styles are different ?! Yes, there are things that I personally would never do for my beliefs, but I know that there are things that I do with my children and that my friends are horrified.

We all do our best to keep these little human beings alive while maintaining our healing. We all have our differences in parenting, and we need to realize that everyone has been raised differently and we have different values ​​and things that are important to us.

We need to spread more love around us. So I met some of my amazing clients and we made this photo session. Each child holds a poster of what could be a controversial issue for someone. No, we do not cover all topics. This was a project done voluntarily and I could not find a person to cover each of the topics I wanted. Be sure to watch the entire album until the end.

We are all loved

The objective of Abbie is the one shown in this last group photo: "everyone is loved". Every mother-child is a world, and what works for some will not work for othersFor a thousand and one reasons, including the rhythm of life, the specific needs of each child, as well as the particular situation of each family.

The most important thing is to remember that each mother does what she can, nursing in the best possible way for each of them and we should not judge or criticize her ability as a mother simply because we do not match her decisions.

Photos | Foxy Photography (reproduced with permission)
Via | Babble
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