100 promises for my baby

Mallika Chopra, daughter of Deepak Chopra and mother of two babies, is the author of the book written while she was pregnant with her first daughter.

As is the case with every woman, motherhood led to the real meaning of life being raised and, from her excited hope, she began to express her commitment to love the baby to come. through 100 promises.

They reflect on the great responsibility of becoming a mother and her profound purposes to help her daughter grow in an environment of love and security, to look around with admiration and curiosity, to enrich herself with spiritual values ​​and to wish that the world Be a better place.

The structure of the work with his father's prologue is in the form of short stories, essays, reflections, poems and stories that make his reading very dynamic.

While the promises are focused from spirituality, they are also made from common sense.

Your reading can help many parents to reflect on their future fatherhood and the wishes they intend to project on their children to come.

Those who wish to deepen the work of Deepak Chopra related to pregnancy, the book A magical beginning for a fascinating life has been recommended by the editors of the blog.

Video: Chopra: 100 Promises to my Baby (July 2024).