Postpartum back pain

The hours after delivery you have the body as anesthetized, at least that is what happened to me. But the next day, what I felt was a annoying back pain, which may be due to different causes.

As if we had shortly after giving birth, back pain is also added, one of the most frequent puerperium discomfort.

The pain in the lower back, at the level of the coccyx, which hurts when sitting, is usually due to a slight deviation of the vertebrae as the child passes through the birth canal.

Another cause of widespread back pain is the effort we make during the bids to give birth, especially if it was a long and tiring labor.

Between 48 and 72 hours after delivery, milk rises, which is also quite frequent to cause back pain.

Another pain that I suffered after the first birth and for a couple of months was that of the puncture of the epidural in the lower back.

And not to mention the pain that is produced by the bad postures adopted when we breastfeed, especially the first days that the baby's demand is constant and we are still recovering.

As a relief measure I advise you to take hot showers, adopt a correct posture during the teats, use a girdle if necessary and, the best of remedies, rest.

Video: Post-pregnancy Ultrasound for Backpain (July 2024).