Back pain during breastfeeding: How to relieve it?

Breastfeeding involves spending many hours a day breastfeeding. Many moms suffer back pain during shots They do not allow you to enjoy such a magical moment with your baby. The cause is usually in poor posture, which puts the back and neck muscles under tension.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), ensures that there is no better position than another to breastfeed and that it must be the mother who finds the most comfortable for her and her child at all times.

But if there is some general recommendations and some specific exercises that they can help keep your back healthy.

The key: adopt a comfortable posture

In response to a consultation on back pain in breastfeeding, the AEP Breastfeeding Committee responded that:

"There is no relationship between breastfeeding and bone pain. If you have a discopathy, you may need to take care of your back and strengthen your paravertebral muscles with exercises and you may want to avoid heavy loads but none of it has to do with breastfeeding."

"Some mothers suffer a temporary loss of calcium in the bones during breastfeeding that is recovered when the breastfeeding ceases. Before considering or not stopping breastfeeding, it would be wise to see a specialist, have a study and have a diagnosis of the origin of your pains. And once you know the cause, you can decide on the most appropriate treatment, which will probably have nothing to do with stopping breastfeeding. "

That back pain is the result of poor posture while breastfeeding is also the opinion of the ALBA Breastfeeding Association.

The first thing a mother should do before breastfeeding is to relax, since stress can cause extra tension that results in pain.

Afterwards, Eulàlia Torras, Alba's advisor recommends:

  • Have a comfortable place to breastfeed during the day, which can be an armchair or a chair with arms.

  • It is also a good idea to place some cushions to support the arms while holding the baby or support the baby if you occasionally need a free hand. And if sitting, a footrest.

  • Before, the mother was recommended to have her back straight and well supported, with her shoulders back, but recently it has been discovered that babies suck better when the mother is leaning back.

  • You can also breastfeed stretched. The important thing is to never breastfeed bent over the baby.

  • Put a cushion at the base of the back: it favors the natural concave curve, relaxing those of the lumbar and cervical area. If possible also another in the hamstring of the knees.

  • Since the shots of the first weeks are usually prolonged, it helps, before you start, to have on hand everything you might need (handkerchiefs, telephone, remote control, book, glass of water ...).

For a good grip

Just one last memory to make breastfeeding a success. After a good comfortable position (the one you have chosen), take these AEP tips into account to facilitate your baby's grip and proper emptying of your chest:

  • The baby's nose and chin should both be in contact with your chest. ·

  • The baby's body should be in close contact with yours.

  • The baby's head and body should be well aligned (the neck should not be flexed, nor the head turned).

  • The head should be placed in front of the chest with the nipple at the level of the upper lip-nose. It is preferable that you move the baby instead of bringing your chest to his mouth.

  • It is useful spontaneous strengthening (or spontaneous grip), which consists of placing your baby on you, with the nipple at the height of the nose and the chin resting on the chest. The baby will throw his head back to look for the nipple and open his mouth.

  • It is normal that you need several attempts before you can spontaneously grab the nipple. Give it time and don't rush to put it in your mouth. It will only be necessary to help you if you have difficulties.

Conclusion: adopting a comfortable position will prevent back pain, which translates into calm and successful shots, in which mom and her son will enjoy unique and unforgettable moments.

And always keep in mind that there are other mothers breastfeeding their children who are willing to help you and that you can go to them to share any questions or concerns. Find the Breastfeeding Association closest to your home in the directory of the Initiative for the Humanization of Birth and Lactation Assistance (IHAN).

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Video: Breastfeeding with the Thompson Method (July 2024).