A child under 15 dies every minute from HIV

Concerning statistics are those provided by UNICEF, childhood in many places is threatened by the fatal disease of AIDS. A child under 15 dies every minute from HIVFor this reason, UNICEF has recorded an announcement calling for the collaboration of citizens to join the campaign that promotes against AIDS, "United for children, united against AIDS."

In the announcement several celebrities from various fields have participated requesting citizen assistance. The collaboration must be general and we dare to emphasize that it should be the governments that adopt a more representative role in this campaign, it is they who have more capacity, more power, means, etc. We in our humble collaboration can contribute our grain of sand, the rocks can provide the rest. This campaign is an ideal global initiative to remind everyone of the serious problem that is found in childhood in various parts of the world and that, as statistics show, the disease beats the battle. An adequate prevention and new awareness campaigns to prevent the transmission of parents to children, is one of the proposed alternatives.

Hopefully they will finally find a vaccine against the damn disease ...

Video: Bringing Smiles and Hope (July 2024).