Growth speed in children

The proper growth of children is something that all parents care about, but do you know what the speed of growth your child experiences as it grows?

The growth in the child is divided into several stages, depending on each of them, the growth will be greater or less, so during the first year of the baby the growth is a record, being able to grow up to 26 centimeters in the first 12 months. The 4 quarters that make up this year is a kind of descending table, in the first quarter it grows about 10 centimeters, during the second, the growth is 7 centimeters, during the third it increases about 6 centimeters and finally during the last quarter the increase has down to 3 centimeters.

The child's second year is also marked by a rapid increase in size but much lower than the first year. The average is usually 1 centimeter per month, from here the growth speed will decrease, becoming less than one centimeter from 2 to 5 years with an average of approximately 8 centimeters per year. When the children have reached the age of 5, it seems that the speed of growth stabilizes around a constant average of about 6 centimeters per year until the child reaches 12. However, from 12 years to 14 years returns to accelerate the speed of growth to reach 9 centimeters per year or even much more, is what is popularly called "lug."

One thing is for sure, for the child to grow at a good pace, a good diet is essential, you have to establish adequate eating habits that prevent overweight and favor proper development. It is tremendously gratifying to see how children grow up to exceed their parents' height.

Video: Growth Hormone Can Help Some Children (July 2024).