Seven keys to protect children's ears in summer

Humidity, noise or pressure changes are some of the factors that can damage the ears during this time of year. And although adults are not exempt from discomfort, infections, otitis or wax plugs, children are usually the most vulnerable group.

Therefore, Oticon experts have developed a series of tips for take care of kids' ears this summer: simple measures to apply that will help us avoid any auditory discomfort.

Water plugs

Although there are experts who recommend the use of earplugs only in cases where the child has a problem (eczema, repeated infections, surgical intervention ...), others instead advise using them every time the child bathes in the pool or the sea as a Effective measure to protect the ear canal from possible germs.

The caps are sold in pharmacies and parapharmacies of department stores, and we can find them both made of silicone and wax. Once purchased, it is important handle and preserve the plugs hygienically, and dispose of them in case of dirt or deterioration.

As we say, there are doctors who advise limiting its use only to certain situations, and instead monitor the time the child spends in the water, so that it is not excessive. So when in doubt about whether or not to use water plugs, it is best to consult with your pediatrician and it is he or she who recommends what to do about it.

Dry ears after bath

Regardless of whether or not plugs are used, It is essential to dry your ears well after bathing, since this simple gesture can prevent otitis and infections due to moisture. In addition, experts recommend that drying takes place both in summer, after swimming in the pool or the sea, and in winter after daily showering.

To do this we need only our finger wrapped with the end of a towel, with which we will gently dry the external auditory pavilion, and of course nothing to use swabs or any other object that can be introduced into the ear.

Another trick to extract the water that may have been left inside is to ask the child to tilt your head and small jumps. The pressure exerted by the jump will make the liquid that has been left inside more easily.

Bathe in clean water

Ear infections may also be due to the fact that the water we bathe in is not clean enough (especially in ponds, pools, rivers ...), so as a preventive measure it is best to avoid bathing in places with poor hygiene characteristics.

Watch out for the dives

Dive into the pool or the sea when there is depth, propitiates the entry of large amounts of water suddenly into the ear, and this can cause problems. Therefore, experts recommend avoiding throwing water in this way.

Although this prevention measure may not apply in the case of young children, it is important to take it into account for the future.

In any case, and regardless of the possible hearing problems that the dives may cause, it is essential to keep in mind a series of precautionary measures when our children are bathing in the sea or in the pool, and the way they dive into water is a important factor to consider to avoid incidents.

Loud noises

Summer is the time of the year par excellence in which popular parties, fairs, concerts and festivals are most enjoyed. These environments are usually characterized by music and high noise (pyrotechnics, fairground attractions ...), so it is recommended to protect children's ears to avoid problems, both at the moment and in the future.

There are special earplugs that, although they do not avoid listening completely, do absorb the pressure on the eardrum while allowing us to keep the attention of music and other people. And there is no nothing more annoying and irritating like buzzing or beeping that occur in the ear after long exposure to high noise!

Air currents

Although summer is a time of stifling heat, it is also a time of fans and air conditioning, which sometimes generates currents of cold air that affects the ears causing discomfort.

This low temperature air can cause pain, so among other recommendations, it is advisable to maintain a constant temperature of about 22-24º, that the air does not directly affect, and place containers with water to moisten the room.

Pressure changes

Summer is also a time of travel, so to everything mentioned above by Oticon experts, we also add the pressure changes that sometimes cause so much discomfort in the ears.

Children often accuse these pressure changes with more intensity than adults when they travel by car on mountain roads, or when they fly in an airplane, for example. And although the pain lasts only a few minutes And it has no long-term consequences, we can help you alleviate the inconvenience by implementing these simple tips:

  • Offer them water frequently to swallow and open the eustachian tubes.

  • Encourage them to yawn when they feel that the ear has plugged.

  • If the child is older, chewing gum can help.

  • For younger children, the pacifier can be a great ally.

  • On air travel, put the baby to the chest or give a bottle, especially at the time of landing and takeoff.

Summer is, in short, a time to enjoy, rest and gain strength for the rest of the year, so following these simple tips will help our hearing health to remain protected against any plan that lies ahead.

But if still following the recommendations outlined, your child shows signs of pain, itching or hearing loss, immediately consult your pediatrician. It could be an infection that requires treatment.

Photos iStock, Pixabay

In Babies and More Beware of otitis in summer, The four reasons why you should not use your baby's ears, does your child spend a lot of time in the water? Attention to wax plugs in summer