The shape of the gut

In the past, grandmothers intended to predict the shape of the gut and its size, sex and other details related to the future baby. Today it is known that this is false.

The shape and size of the belly may depend on some factors that we explain below.

Influence the size and position of the fetus, for example, if the future baby is pierced, the gut is wider than tall. If the fetus is standing or upside down, then the gut is tall and narrow. Of course, it also counts the number of existing fetuses, if they are two or three, the gut is rounded and sometimes it has irregular contours. It also influences the amount of amniotic fluid and the placenta, especially the amniotic fluid, if there is a lot, the abdomen is very bulky.

The physical characteristics of the woman are also very influential, for example, if you have very developed abdominal muscles, the gut is much flatter and taller, if on the contrary the musculature is flaccid, the gut is much busier since the uterus It deviates forward.

Other traits that influence gut shape It is the spine, the deviation of this causes a prominent gut. Obesity often camouflages the volume of the abdomen and height is influential as well.

Well, with this basic explanation, we will understand that it is difficult to know the sex of the baby before an echo, and the divinatory power of grandmothers and popular sayings, are left in a game of divination.

Video: Gut bacteria and mind control: to fix your brain, fix your gut! (July 2024).