Super powers for children with cancer: boxes to cover the chemo bags thanks to the heroes of the network

It all started with a tweet from the father of a six-year-old leukemia patient. I had seen on TV the initiative of a Brazilian hospital to change chemotherapy for "Super Formula" by camouflaging the drug in some boxes decorated with superhero motifs and asked where he could get an equal for his son.

The response was massive. People with 3D printers from all over Spain responded by offering help and there are already 70 involved in this initiative. After organizing through the networks, the first order has arrived at the Niño Jesús hospital in Madrid. Children have the help of their favorite characters to fight the disease.

A moving response

Having a child with cancer is one of the worst experiences that a father can live. A background race in which it is essential to maintain hope. In that children are specialists, and more if they have the help of superheroes like Batman, Spiderman or brave princesses like Elsa.

Why not do it here? Alex, the father of a six-year-old boy with leukemia, thought about the great idea that was developed at the Oncology Center of the A.C. Camargo in São Paulo: change chemotherapy to "Super Formula" in boxes decorated with the children's favorite characters.


Seeing this report, it occurred to him to ask for help through twitter to get one of those boxes for his son.

Can anyone tell me where to get these boxes for the #Chemo? I want for my son for his treatment.

- BatmanDonamédula (@AyensaSanti) February 25, 2018

The answer was swift: dozens of "makers" or 3D printers answered the call: Let's print! Said and done. In less than two months the first order is ready, which has already reached the children who receive treatment at the Niño Jesús Hospital in Madrid.

It was not the dream of a tweet or a roll of an afternoon. A group of 40 makers are still working on the superhero boxes to hide the chemo.
This is part of the first pilot request for the Niño Jesús Hospital. Boxes of @jmendiara @FpscMakers @ kareca3d @obs_tecnologica and 3DMark

- Pepo Jiménez (@kurioso) April 6, 2018

Solidarity continues

Even a group of tweeters are organizing to take the initiative to other hospitals. Among them is Guillermo Martínez, Willperman on twitter, who also carries out the project Help me 3D prosthesis design for people without resources.

A beautiful initiative that brings to light the solidarity and the desire to help a lot of anonymous people to these little ones and their families They are the true heroes of this story.

In babies and more "We must fight, we must not fall apart": the hopeful message of Santi and Mayte Cañizares after losing their five-year-old son to cancer, Superquimions, covers to cover the chemo bags of children with Cancer

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