A Salamanca bar raises controversy by drafting regulations on minors for its customers with children

The Livingstone bar in Salamanca, has been immersed in a controversy through social networks to write some rules of coexistence and behavior aimed at minors and their parents, who have not sat well.

The poster, with the five printed standards, was hung by those responsible at the door of the establishment with the aim of "put order in the coexistence between customers". However, there have been so many criticisms received that the bar has ended up rectifying and apologizing for what happened.

Five rules that have raised the controversy

Two days ago, a neighbor from Salamanca posted on his Facebook profile the photograph of a poster with five rules for living together for minors, written by those responsible for a bar in your city.

His post went viral quickly, causing a stir in social networks and dividing user opinions. Most of them showed their absolute rejection and outrage, and even many expressed it openly on the bar's Facebook page. However, other clients have applauded the measure and highlighted the bad behavior of some children and the inconvenience they sometimes cause.

In any case, the bar has rectified and apologized to the users through the following message posted on its Facebook page:

Is this really necessary?

I read everything that happened and I confess that I don't give credit. Rules of behavior aimed at minors before accessing a room? And what about adults? Are there not much more annoying than many children?

But it is also that I analyze the controversial rules and some find no sense:

  • "It is forbidden to enter with any type of toy in the premises (except mobiles and consoles)"

I cannot understand the reason for this prohibition, unless I made reference to toys such as balls or skates that children can use inside the premises with the corresponding risk.

In my case, for example, every time we leave home, my children prepare a small backpack with their toys. Thus, if we decide to eat in a restaurant or go to a cafeteria they always have their dolls on hand to entertain, or their notebooks for coloring. And precisely, what they do not resort to is mobile or iPad.

  • "If the child cries, shouts or makes annoying noises for the rest, the parents should take the child out until he stops doing it."

It is true that many times the kids get bored and this can lead them to scream, speak too loudly, cry ... In short, cause some kind of annoyance to others.

Something similar happened to me last weekend with my two-year-old son. We were eating in a restaurant and something caused a huge tantrum. I tried to calm him down for a few seconds inside the place, but since he couldn't get it, I decided to go out with him until he stopped crying so as not to bother anyone.

Y I don't need a rules poster that forces me to act like this because as a responsible adult, I know what coexistence and respect for others is, as well as my duty to educate my children.

Many clients claim that some parents confuse bars with nurseries, and let their children roam as they please, bothering the rest of the people. And unfortunately I know that this is so because I have encountered similar situations. But I insist, the responsibility is not of the children, but of the adults who accompany them.

  • "It is forbidden to change children in the room outside the toilet"

I confess that this rule has left me speechless, although I imagine that if they have banned something like that it will be because they have seen it on more than one occasion. I guess they meant changing diapers, but Is anyone really able to change a baby on a coffee table? If so, it seems to me a tremendous lack of respect, towards the child and towards the rest of the people.

In any case, and although there are certain rules that are loaded with reason, I consider it a lack of respect for minors to publish something like that. Overall, I think we have reached a point where children are cataloged very quickly, and everything they do bothers. Annoying if they run, if they cry, if they scream, if they speak loudly ...

We forget that Children, and their actions, are the responsibility of adults. The kids are people in formation; spontaneous, vital and without the rules of coexistence recorded in your brain. They are not born with an Off button that we can turn off when they have a bad day or enter a tantrum, or with a wheel to adjust the volume of their voice.

Therefore, I wonder: Is it really necessary to publish these kinds of norms, or are we becoming too uncompromising with children's behavior? I understand that there are situations that are annoying for the rest, but in those particular and specific cases I think that perhaps it is best to speak personally with the client, whether there are children involved or not.

Children in cocktail bars

But I also believe that parents should do an exercise in reflection and think if our leisure must prevail over that of children. That is, we all want to have fun at any given time, go out for coffee, or go to the bar with friends, but is it the best place to go with children?

As we read in the statement of this bar, it seems that the establishment is focused on "nightlife", although as indicated in the information on its page, its opening hours are from 15:00 in the afternoon. In any case, it is totally logical and understandable that A child gets bored in a bar or cafeteria.

What for us is a few hours of disconnection and conversation (that fly by!), For the little one it is a long time to remain seated in a chair, slowing down their impulses to play or run, especially if we talk about very young children.

Logically, no one should tell us where to go or not to go with our children, but in my opinion I think that sometimes we forget that perhaps certain sites or certain types of adult leisure activities may not be the most entertaining option for children. children.

In any case, and in summary, I think it is very successful that the bar has decided to rectify its rules, but we must not forget that we all live in society and both children and adults deserve respect and understanding that we will only achieve through empathy and education.

  • Via The Spanish

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Video: History of economic thought. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).