A mother shows what is behind a perfect "selfie"

How many times have we not seen those photos on Instagram and Facebook of moms that seem to be out of an IKEA catalog or children's clothing? They are very cute, do not doubt that. And although that is probably the reality of the family that appears in them, in real life most mothers are not like that.

And a mom blogger knows it very well. A few days after sharing a perfect "selfie" he realized that it was not consistent with his theme in which he always talks about real motherhood. So He decided to show us the behind the scenes and the story that is hidden in that photograph that seems to be perfect.

Tova Leigh is a blogger mom famous for posting videos where she talks about motherhood from a real perspective and sometimes humorous. For her being a mother must be something authentic without poses or pretensions, so he has a considerable number of followers in social networks that support his way of thinking.

A few weeks ago he published a "selfie" on his Instagram account in which he talked about the corsets, specifically how he could not believe that in 2017 they were still sold and told a little anecdote of the last time he used one, on the day of your wedding

I keep seeing ads for corsets everywhere. You know, the ones that suck your belly in and make your waist look tiny while also giving you constipation. Well, let me tell you something: Last time I wore any type of corset was on my wedding day, exactly 8 years ago. I remember hiding behind a massive bush in the garden, and my mom loosening the damn thing cos I could barely breathe. Sure, after that my boobs didn't look as fab as they did when the day started, but I was actually able to eat the food I had paid for and do another amazing thing - it's called sitting down. So unless It is officially the 17th century again, I'd like to ask whoever came up with the idea that women in 2017 need to look like Jessica Rabbit, to kindly shove their corsets up their ass and let me enjoy my mom tum in peace . ♡♡♡ #BodyImage #moms #mums #motherhood #MomLife #parenting #parents #reallife #family #love #bodyshaming #fuckbodygoals

A shared publication of Tova Leigh (@tova_leigh) on May 16, 2017 at 5:57 p.m. PDT

The idea of ​​his message was to show that using them was somewhat outdated and that they should stop manufacturing and selling them, concluding their message with a: "Unless it is officially the seventeenth century again, I would like to tell whoever that idea has occurred to you that in 2017 women should see ourselves as Jessica Rabbit, who gently tucks her corsets in her butt and let me enjoy my mom's belly in peace".

In general, what Tova meant was that we stop giving so much importance to the physique of women and that we learn to enjoy our body. However, days later he realized that the image he had published did not really go with the message he had written. So he decided to clarify things and reveal the "behind" that photograph on his Facebook page.

Last week I shared the "perfect" selfie on Instagram (see the small image below on the left).

I had many likes, my friends told me that I looked sexy and I even made my new profile picture on Facebook.

Today I am sharing the "behind the scenes" of that image.

How I really looked when I was taking that picture, without 20 attempts to try to take it the right way, without cutting off the parts I don't like and without adding that "make me look pretty" filter.

You will see, over the weekend I read an article about how more and more people feel depressed and insecure due to all those images of "perfect" people on social networks, which they perceive as real.

So let me tell you something: THIS IS REAL.

In all my mom's belly glory, cellulite, grandma's panties and absolutely zero "thigh gap"! ('Thigh gap' = the gap between the thighs when thin)

It is not that perfect and sexy body dictated by a standard, but an imperfectly fabulous one because it is real and because it is mine.

So the next time you see a "perfect" image on Instagram or Facebook that makes you feel bad, remember this:

Social networks are full of shit.

You are beautiful as you are.

And there is nothing sexier than being real.

Tova ♡♡♡

The image obtained hundreds of positive comments from many mothers who applauded Tova's action. And is that not many people dare to publish a photo where they appear what many consider defects that don't fit the "perfect woman" model.

I must admit that there was a time, especially during my first months as a mother, when I saw those perfect photos of smiling moms with their newborns on white backgrounds and impeccable houses and I wondered: "How do they do it?", Because my house It was a disaster and my dark circles had taken prisoners in my eyes.

It is very good and refreshing to see this kind of images and messages that help feed other mothers' confidence in their bodies.

What do you think of the images of perfect moms on social networks?

Video: What's So Hard? Mum of 9 Keeps House Spotless. Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners. Only Human. (July 2024).