A baseball team: a doctor assists in the delivery of three triplet triplets in just six weeks

Multiple pregnancies are becoming more frequent, but it is very rare for a doctor to attend the delivery of triplets in such a short period of time. Dr. Michael Paul, chief of maternal and fetal medicine at the Missouri Baptist Medical Center in St. Louis, attended the delivery of three triplets of triplets in just six weeks.

The media have echoed the news commenting that he had formed a baseball team, sport played between two teams of nine players. Hence the grace of dressing children as if they were from the same team in the nice pictures of Chris Malacarne.

Births occurred towards the end of last year. First Reed, Knox and Finn were born on November 2; Lucas, Emalyn and Colton, on November 26; and the last to reach the world were Finn, Beckett and Oliver, on December 16.

Chris Malacarne Although, in general, triplet pregnancies are high risk, the deliveries were great, and the nine babies were born in perfect condition.

Triplet pregnancies do not usually reach forty weeks of gestation. The goal was to delay birth as long as possible. Although they were born between weeks 34 and 35 of pregnancy and had to remain in neonatal care for a few days, despite the statistics, the babies did not present any complications.

Dr. Paul not only took his pregnancies and helped the babies be born, but also connected the mothers to give each other mutual support in pregnancy, and now they have become good friends. Sharing similar experiences is undoubtedly a great help when it comes to raising multiple.

Photos | Chris Malacarne
Via | ABC
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