Record birth records in Iceland, why the European Championship?

It is very curious how some events influence in the lives of people and in the world. Speaking specifically of sporting events, there are situations that cause us laughter and surprise at the same time.

It turns out that in Iceland they have reported a record of epidural application exactly nine months after Iceland defeated England in the round of 16 of the European Championship.

According to information from the Goal portal, a local Icelandic magazine called Visir reported that at the Landspitali hospital in Reykjavik more epidural injections were administered than ever between Saturday 25 and Sunday March 26, just 9 months after the victory against England in the round of 16.

Even Asgeir Petur Porvaldsson, a hospital doctor, went to his Twitter account to corroborate the information in a short but very funny tweet.


hehehe dagsins:
sett var met í fjölda mænudeyfinga á fæðingarvakt um helgina - níu mánuðum eftir 2-1 sigurinn à Englandi

- Ásgeir Pétur (@asgeirpetur) March 27, 2017

"Hehehe day:

A record was set for the number of epidurals in the maternity shift this weekend - nine months after the 2-1 victory over England"

And although it seems very curious, it's not the first time it happens. In 2010, something similar happened, in which Andrés Iniesta's famous goal caused Barcelona to celebrate and increase births by almost 50%.

Video: The Canadians: Louis Cyr (July 2024).