Foot development: how to help the baby start walking

One of the most magical and exciting moments as parents is when the baby stands up and gives his first steps. Most of the little ones start to walk around the year of age, but there is no specific moment and, like talking or crawling, it depends on each child, being so normal that he starts taking his first steps with nine months, such as He who does it with 18.

The little ones learn to walk by themselves and nothing special needs to be done for it, although it is true that we can contribute and help them take their first steps, facilitating their first trips So that these are safe.

The feet, keys in motor development

Since we started walking, the feet hold all the weight of our body and allow us to move. The foot is a complex organ formed by a large number of muscles, bones and ligaments that is in the process of ossification until adolescence. That is why it is very important take care of them from birth and protect them to avoid future problems.

During the first months of life, and especially in the stages of crawling and first steps, the feet play a very important role in the motor development of the little ones. At first, the foot basically plays a role sensory. Once the baby is becoming aware of his own body (first the little hands are discovered and later the feet), they are used to touch, explore, experience, they take them to their mouths to play with them ...

When you get upright and start walking you will receive other stimuli on the sole of your foot, you will acquire balance and strength in your legs and your plantar arch will be formed.

How to stimulate them

Babies receive, since they are born, many external stimuli through your feet, so during the first months it is highly recommended to perform massages. Although at the beginning some babies may not like them, it is advisable to try several days until they get used to it and begin to feel comfortable. To do this, you have to look for a relaxing moment of the day, in which to be able to do it calmly and without haste. A good option is to perform massages after bathing or just before bedtime, with a soft oil and some background music and dim light.

The feet are a key piece in the small motor development

The massage must be done delicately, holding the foot with one hand and sliding the fingers of the other for its plant from bottom to top, in a smooth and rhythmic way. At this time it is important to talk to the baby, looking for eye contact with it and also take the opportunity to massage other areas such as the legs, the belly and the face.

In addition to massages, the feet can be stimulated with games. Make him tickle, play with your fingers, put textured socks or jingle bells, encouraging him to kick dolls or sound toys are just a few options that kids surely love. Walking barefoot, in addition to being very beneficial for the physical and motor development of your feet, is also a great stimulus if we test different surfaces: the grass, the floor of the house, the beach ...

First steps

For a baby to start walking, you don't have to do anything special, just wait for the baby to have the maturity, strength and balance necessary to stand up and try to move.

Every baby has his rhythm to start walking and it is important to respect him

The first movements of children are usually taken to a piece of furniture or to the sofa and advancing laterally.

When that time comes, we can encourage you to take steps forward through different games that encourage you to walk. The simplest is catch you from the handyman and stand behind us as he advances. Another option is to place a toy or object of interest a few meters To try to reach it. Some babies take the first steps taking both hands occupied with a toy, since that gives them security to keep moving forward.

Little by little, the baby will catch enough trust like to let go and start walking. Remember that each little one has his rhythm and it is a stimulation Through the game, without hurry or stress if you do not get it or do not feel like it. In any case, do not forget that at this stage the falls and bumps, so it is advisable to store the objects with which you can get hurt that are within your reach and protect the pointed areas of the furniture.

Choose a suitable shoe

Whenever you can, try to make your babies go barefoot, so that their feet have total freedom of movement and develop correctly, reserving shoes for cold weather or to protect your feet from bumps.

A suitable footwear must respect its ergonomics, be flexible, soft and light

At each stage of its growth you should look for the most suitable footwear. For your first steps, the shoe should be light, so you don't have trouble moving with him, and flexible so you have freedom in your travels. It is necessary that the materials be breathable and soft. Ideally, they should have a wide mouth, so that the foot enters and leaves easily, and is rounded off the tip, so the fingers will move without difficulty.

To be Easy to put on and take off, it is advisable to opt for velcro closures or buckles, avoiding cords. Shoes should hold the foot well but without tightening. To check if the shoe is your size it is recommended extract the template and verify that there is a gap of approximately 6 mm from the edge of the template to the thumb.

To favor the correct development and movement of the foot at every step, Chicco has developed a new line of footwear called Chicco Imparo. This line has an innovative sole, provided with lateral grooves and differentiated thickness, which respect ergonomics of the child's foot and helps him in learning his first steps.

That we have to take care of the feet from birth is no accident, since they are a key piece of motor development of children and their well-being will avoid problems in adulthood. Choosing a shoe specially designed for the crawling stages and first steps that is respectful of the foot and its movements will be essential for this.

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Photos | iStock: oneblink-cj / Nadezhda1906 / naumoid

Video: Baby feet and legs. .what to expect as kids progress to walking (April 2024).