After being able to spend only an hour with their lifeless newborn, they donated a cold crib to the hospital for other parents

Times have changed a lot, also the handling of emotions and losses, and although there is still much to do, much to improve, it seems more and more normal and logical that some parents who have seen their lifeless son born , or who lives just a few minutes or a few hours, can spend time with your baby to meet him and say goodbye to him.

A few years ago, in 2013, the couple formed by Brittney Y Brady had a baby called Brylen. She died after birth and they only had one hour to say goodbye to her, so they thought they could help other parents in their situation and have decided to donate a cold crib to the hospital to make it possible.

Only 57 minutes together

As we read in Upsocl, doctors already told them in pregnancy that there was no hope for her, and that she would probably be born without life. However, the small He was born breathing, with his eyes open, and so her parents could meet her and have time to make her feel loved, calm, until her death, which occurred shortly after.

They could be with her 57 minutes before they took her away, and although they took advantage of it to get to know her better and say goodbye, they were too short a time.

They decided to get a cold crib for other parents

Feeling that those 57 minutes had not been enough, when years later they discovered the existence of cold cribs they decided to get one for the hospital, so that if other parents lived a similar situation, they could spend more time with their baby.

A cold crib is a baby training provided with a cold system that keeps them at low temperature to spend more time with them. Thanks to this system parents can spend a few minutes or a few hours with babies, to be able to be days, if they consider it appropriate.

Through donations from third parties and leading the project, this couple delivered the crib to the hospital, which was very grateful for the donation and excited to be able to provide that service to other couples who unfortunately have to go through that trance:

This story reminds me of the one we explained a couple of months ago, of a couple who could spend 15 days with their baby before finally saying goodbye. At the hospital they promoted that parents could be with their newborn in a room at a low temperature, and they could even go home with him to spend one last night in privacy and allow other family members to meet him and say goodbye. Perhaps they made use of some similar system.

I know it sounds weird, I know it sounds to lengthen the suffering, but I think the thing to keep in mind is that it is still an option, a possibility for parents who feel they need more time to say goodbye. If that time can mean more pain, more suffering, it is clear that parents can choose another way to do it faster, and not for that worse.

It all depends on what each family feels is best for them, but it is worth knowing that In some hospitals there is the possibility of being able to spend more time with a newborn who will not live, despite the dreams and hopes that each family creates around their pregnancy and birth.

Video: Mitch Jones - IRL with Mira & Tracksuit Andy VOD: Jul 13, 2018 (July 2024).