The most adorable pictures of identical quadruplets, a case that occurs between 64 million births

If the birth of identical triplets is a very strange condition, that of identical quadruplets It is something truly exceptional, because it happens a case among 64 million births. There are records of only 70 cases worldwide.

One of them is these four beautiful ones that appear in the photo wrapped as packages of candies. They are Abigail, Mckayla, Grace and Emily Webb, they were born in Canada, they have two months, and they were the protagonists of a very special photo session by Cassandra Jones, photographer of Noelle Mirabella Photography specialist in babies and children, who has done the most adorabales pictures of the quadruplets.

Being identical quadruplets means that they have been conceived from an ovule and a sperm which was divided into two gametes and these were again divided into two, forming four embryos. This naturally occurs in one in 64 million births, and is more common in girls.

And of course, one of the most difficult issues when photographing them was to differentiate them, since they are identical. In order to distinguish them, their parents they put earrings on each one of a different color.

To the greater astonishment, the girls, born by caesarean section with 33 weeks of gestation, they were conceived naturally, that is, without mediating any assisted reproduction techniques.

The probability of having quadruplets without fertility drugs is one in 729,000, but that of having identical quadruplets is one in 15 million pregnancies with this technique. Weirder, of course, is that it happens naturally.

It was the first time that the photographer had a session with four babies at the same time, so she had to take care of everything to the fullest, as she always does in sessions with babies but multiplying by four pampering and patience that is required in this type of photographs. Of course, it was also necessary to have extra assistance to make the girls feel comfortable at all times. And the result is these amazing snapshots.

Photos | Noelle Mirabella Photography (Reproduced with permission)
In Babies and more | The unusual case of the MoMo triplets: they shared placenta and bag, and they are identical

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