Minecraft: Learn with a video game, the dream of many children getting easier

Minecraft It is a game that adults don't really like, I don't know if you've ever tried to play, I did and it made me very sleepy ...

It's about placing and destroying blocks, cubes and cubes and cubes in an infinite world that you can raise in creative mode (creating houses, worlds, fields, farms, ...) or in survival mode (where you have to face a kind of zombies) .

For children it is very entertaining that is also true and the best thing about the game is the enormous possibilities it has in the world of education and learning.

Learning through a video game can be the dream of many children and of some father and mother also why not? If so our children learn more and better, welcome this new tool!

Yes, at first glance Minecraft is anachronistic and "old", the graphics are simple and old but perhaps that is the most innovative for the generation of children that has grown with the most spectacular graphics of the moment, which sometimes costs up to distinguish from The real picture.

The point is that Minecraft goes on sale in 2011 and more than 100 million units have already been sold worldwide and practically on all platforms.

The game is full of possibilities but you have to know how to discover them and use them as the creators of Wonder quest, a YouTube program in which Minecraft is the protagonist and that It has more than 60 million views.

Its creators are Adam Clarke and Johan Kruger and they have achieved through Minecraft a practically perfect cocktail in which they teach, educate and above all entertain their followers who continue to grow every day.

Wonder Quest is an idea of ​​a 25-year-old British youtuber, Joseph Garret who has his own channel also on the YouTube video platform with more than seven million subscribers and a Minecraft character called Stampy Cat which is seen and followed every day by thousands of children around the world.

Wonder Quest is a program that aims to be both educational and entertaining, something that not everyone achieves but that its creators seem to have hit the target using Minecraft as a vehicle between content and users who see it in their homes.

Children can get close to science, math or technology, art or even an education in values, always while they are entertaining and enjoying themselves.

Both Adam Clarke and Johan Kruger are very involved in early childhood education through technology and both develop in parallel to this project, others in which Minecraft remains the perfect tool, the common thread between content and receivers, between education and the children who receive it through their screens.

A few days ago we talked about limiting the use of technology to children but we also pointed out that not everything is the same. Perhaps we would have to include approaches like this more in education through technology or in the moment of playful use of it? Is it the same to see a program like Wonder Quest than playing Plants vs. Zombies, just to give an example?

Maybe we as parents we should also know a little more what our children do or see when they are using the technologies at home and modify or make more flexible the limits of their use depending on what they are doing.

Video: Minecraft - HIDDEN NEW UPDATE TO CRAFT ITEMS! Scramble Craft (July 2024).