Recovering our pelvic floor, that great unknown

If you had not heard of pelvic floor Before being a mother, you are not the only one. If you are now with the odd escape, you are not the only one. If you want to fix it and not resign yourself to using a compress, not only for menstruation, you are not the only one either! It is time to consider recover our pelvic floor, that great unknown until he starts to give us some scare.

Do you dare to work a little to recover your pelvic floor? Yes, you have to put a little effort but the results, according to all specialists, are very worthwhile.

It is quite normal not to have heard of the pelvic floor before becoming mothers, but it is that until relatively recently, there was hardly any importance that a woman after giving birth had urine leaks. It was something considered normal not only by women of the time, even by some professionals.

It must be taken into account that it is a fairly widespread disease, currently Pelvic floor distension affects 20% of women.

Active women

Yes, now we have or at least try to have some physical activity in addition to work, that makes us feel good about ourselves. The practice of some sport or some kind of exercise helps a lot. However, something as fashionable and as many women do as running through the streets, it is very uncomfortable if urine leakage occurs while performing.

High impact exercises such as running, obesity or constipation problems and of course: childbirth, are factors that help our pelvic floor to suffer a strain.

The muscles that support the pelvic floor are several but they can lose adequate tension with the practices we mentioned before and when they lose it, the organs that support these muscles descend and their function is altered causing among other problems the known urinary incontinence.

Taking action: Kegel exercises

The pelvic floor requires specific exercises to recover your muscle tone. They are known as Kegel exercises, hypopressive abs are also used to work them and there are also devices, such as the so-called "Chinese balls", which serve as a therapeutic tool to recover muscle tone in this area.

Performing these exercises in a systematic way and included in our daily routine, they are of great help to recover our pelvic floor but it is always advisable to consult with our usual gynecologist to make sure that we are doing the exercises correctly (both Kegel and hypopressive abdominals) .

It is also highly recommended to hydrate well and avoid constipation in our daily lives. Be careful not to hold back the urine and empty the bladder approximately every two hours.

Photos | iStockphoto
In Babies and more | Strengthen the pelvic floor for a better birth | Almost 40% of pregnant women suffer from urinary incontinence | Bwon, a free application to take care of your pelvic floor

Video: Pelvic Floor Release Stretches. 20 Min Yoga for Pelvic Floor. ChriskaYoga (July 2024).