Too late to be a mother? Janet Jackson announces her first pregnancy at 49

The numbers say that the best age to be a mother, biologically speaking, is 25, because that's when easier is to achieve a pregnancy. However, our society does not move by what biology dictates, but by what we culturally consider more logical, and in this the thing goes higher in age.

The average age to have the first child in Spain is over 32 years, about 35 years after which fertility begins to be lost. We could then say that after 35, biologically it is already late. And yet Janet Jackson He has just left us all surprised to announce that he expects a baby, his first child, when he is currently 49 years old: Too late to be a mother?

Already postponed the tour to try to achieve a pregnancy

About a month ago he told his fans that he was going to postpone the tour he had planned to try to get pregnant with her third husband, the billionaire Qatari Wissam Al Mana. According to ETOnline, Janet Jackson is already pregnant and, considering that on the 16th she turns 50, She will not be a mother with 49, but with 50.

The reason for postponing the tour is obvious. Jackson's pregnancy has been considered risky and doctors have advised him to rest to increase the chances of everything going well.

Isn't it too late to be a mother?

Biologically it is clear that yes. As we have said, the chances of getting pregnant are decreasing especially since the age of 35: a woman in her 20s who is trying to get pregnant on her fertile days has 25% chance to achieve it, around 30 years has 15%, from 35 the possibilities decrease to 8% and to 3% from 38 years. Imagine then the probability of achieving it at 49 years. Impossible to get it without medical help and unlikely even like that.

But we don't talk about that, but about the age to take care of your baby. In the case of Janet It is clear that he will be older, but the father will not be so old, since he is 41 years old. And again, where appropriate, we talk about two people who have their lives completely resolved. If you want you can leave everything and spend 24 hours a day to be with him and for him. And if they don't want to, they can hire as many caregivers as they want.

So the question is not whether Janet is older, but are women older than 40 to be a mother? And after 50? And then each person’s response will be different because life plans are never the same, neither the experiences, nor the emotional maturation, nor the energy, nor…

The good and the bad of being young

The young people (let's say from 25 to 35) they usually defend that it is best to have it when they are young because the energy is greater and the emotional distance between parents and children is less. Being young parents means saying no to many things they might enjoy at this age, but they understand that they are postponed when children grow up and are autonomous.

As a counterpoint, young parents have to mature quickly, almost without time to digest it and it is possible that at some times they miss more vital experience to deal with the care of one or more children and the responsibilities of home and work.

The good and the bad of being older

For their part, those who decide to have children later (from 35 onwards) argue that they are in a state of superior emotional maturity, calmer, experienced and dedicated, because they feel they have fewer things to do, have already burned several stages and are more prepared. There is, or usually is, more economic stability and a more defined work position, which make being parents less anxious about "what will happen next when I return to work."

As disadvantages we could find a lower vitality (not that they crawl, that they are still relatively young, but not equal to 40 to 25) and a greater distance in terms of age, which could affect the connection between the child or adolescent and children. parents.

But this is just generalizations that don't have to be fulfilled, so I really dare not say when you are too old to be a mother or father, culturally and socially. It is clear that I have my preferences and that is why in my house we had our children soon, but that does not mean that those who prefer to wait several years do it badly, so the decision, of course, depends on each couple.

Video: Age and Fertility: Pregnancy after 40 (June 2024).