Games for the crawling baby

When the baby begins to crawl it begins to open the door towards its independence. When he manages to move himself, sometimes crawling at the beginning and then crawling, he begins to know the world around him. Start living new experiences that will contribute to your development.

As you know, the game is very important for the development of the baby. And I don't talk about toys, but about games, in which toys can participate, of course, but not always to stimulate the baby, toys are needed. I speak of body games in which objects are not so interested, but the body.

Let's see what types of body games can be proposed to the baby to stimulate its development in the crawling stage:

Bra Sets: are those in which there are variations in the child's support such as hammock, rock, lift, sit on the thighs, take him to cococho, etc. This type of games allow body contact while introducing the feeling of fear and how to develop it, thus contributing to the child's confidence and security. The first time he climbs on Dad's shoulders, he may be scared, but then he will feel curious and learn to take the small risk.

Concealment games: they are games in which the notions appear-disappear and show-hide. It is the classic hide and seek game, which we can perform with a translucent handkerchief so that the child can see us through it. There is no such direct contact as in the support games, but the loss of visual reference helps you recognize the space and work the baby's anxiety when the mother disappears. At this age, around 7-8 months the baby suffers anguish of separation, that is to say that he cries every time the mother leaves his sight. He is not able to deduce that Mom will return in 3 minutes, distressing his absence. With this type of games we help you to elaborate that mom leaves but returns.

Exploration games: As I said in a recent post, the baby that starts crawling becomes a scout baby. You need to explore, pick up objects, touch, investigate. We must take appropriate safety measures so that the child can roam freely around the house without danger. It is not necessary to restrict his need to explore because he is also learning through the manipulation of objects and spaces.

Chase games: These are the typical “look I catch you” games in which the baby is acquiring the notion of losing his safe place (his own body or mom's arms). They allow you to exercise absence, challenge, imitation, indifference, fear management and the gradual replacement of your safe haven.

As you can see, these are very simple activities that can be done with the baby without the need for sophisticated toys. Remember that in the first months of the baby, body contact with his parents is essential. Through these simple body games to do with the crawling baby We are encouraging their development while we entertain and share pleasant moments together.

Video: i Live - "Baby Crawling" Tutorial (July 2024).