Births would hurt much less if women masturbated

So is. Take some air and prepare for what you are going to read. Not so much because we are going to discover something unthinkable, but because of all that this entails for what we imagine a birth should be.

There are many strategies that are performed to try to relieve the pain of dilation and expulsion during labor and very little, or nothing, is used that could be one of the most effective and, obviously, natural: births would hurt much less if women masturbated.

To give birth hurts

Not to all women, but to most, with different intensity. Some of them hurt a lot, others not so much, but practically all of them explain that they had pain and that they calmed it with some kind of analgesia (usually the epidural) or they "endured it" with patience and different strategies (position changes, singing, dancing, walking, getting into the hot water, massages, the expansion ball, looking for a quiet environment, disconnecting from the world, letting the endorphins act, etc.).

But it would hurt much less if she masturbated and if she were having orgasms

One of the greatest experts in female orgasms is the New York psychologist Barry Komisaruk, a 74-year-old man who has been studying it for more than 30 years, both with rats and with women, and who has managed, among other things, to quantify the benefits of vaginal and clitoral self-stimulation of women in pain control.

Throughout several studies, especially since the late 80s, Komisaruk was demonstrating how stimulation of sexual organs could help women in pain situations. In the year 85, for example (of this 31 years ago), he conducted two studies with 20 women in total in which he showed that vaginal stimulation by the same women the pain threshold increased between 36.8% and 40.3% (The higher the pain threshold is, the more capable you are to bear it).

The most incredible thing was that at the time the women had an orgasm the pain threshold was significantly increased between 74.6% and 106.7%. That means that at the moment of orgasm, and if the woman is having several during dilation and expulsion, the pain can decrease substantially to more than half.

In the year 90 he made a new study in which he validated the theory again, seeing that, in addition, the women who were more prepared for childbirth, with a previous job that would teach them to control their breathing and know some relaxation techniques, they saw the pain threshold increased further than those who had not made any preparation in this regard.

But ... how is a woman going to masturbate during childbirth?

Well, except for some women described by him Komisaruk In a 1992 article, you are able to reach orgasm by viewing certain images, without physical stimulation, others need it and of course, masturbating during childbirth is something very strange to do, and propose.

There are many states allowed during childbirth, such as pain, fear, joy, tiredness, hope, tranquility, and much more, but pleasure does not seem to be one of those that have a place.

Imagine that you are going to give birth to a hospital and start touching you to alleviate the pain ... what reaction would the professionals have?

Now imagine the opposite, that you are going to give birth and it is they who tell you that it will hurt less if you do it: would you do it?

I think that in the two situations the second one is more difficult to happen (and see that the first one is very difficult), first because what we explain today It has been known for more than 30 years, and I don't see anyone in hospitals recommending it, and secondly because it requires an abysmal change in the conception of sexuality, pain and power of women of manage your birth and control your body.

In fact, I have not even heard women who give birth at home who have done something like that, or that the midwives have suggested, and perhaps they are the ones who have it best because they are in a much quieter climate and, obviously, of trust

Although, and perhaps you have done this, yes there are women who take advantage of sexual stimulation to control the pain of menstruation, back or other physical discomfort, even derived from sports.

What if the hospitals changed and ...?

And will they start recommending it? It would be the bomb. It would be to give birth control, to a large extent, to the woman, but not in plan do you make the decisions that are for what is mostly fought lately, but to the beast. Let him take advantage of his sexuality to have a better birth (which is one of the most momentous moments of a woman's life) and tell him, in summary, that she has the power to suffer less and enjoy more.

Will we get to see it?

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In Babies and more | "I witness births where the pain has been zero." Interview with Dr. Emilio Santos (II), They affirm that they can have orgasms in childbirth, Some women claim to have given birth in the middle of an orgasm

Video: Your Female Masturbation Questions Answered (July 2024).