Jellyfish stings in children: how to prevent them and what to do?

The sea is one of the biggest amusements for the little ones, but sometimes it hides unpleasant surprises like jellyfish. They are nothing more than marine animals that arrive dragged by sea currents, but the truth is that they scare since their tentacles have very stinging cells that produce skin contact stings that cause burning sensation, sometimes quite painful.

They are also known as aguamalas, malaguas, aguavivas, aguacuajada or tears of the sea and being transparent, they are not easily visible when we bathe in the sea. If you go to the beach with the children, so that you do not spoil the day we tell you how to prevent and what to do before jellyfish stings.

How to prevent jellyfish sting

Anti-jellyfish sunscreens have been released that have proven highly effective in repelling jellyfish stings.

They contain an extract of plankton that causes the jellyfish tentacles, which are the ones that itch, to slip off the skin. In addition, it releases inhibitors that confuse stinging cell sensors by believing that they are touching another jellyfish.


There are several brands that we usually use in perfume and sunscreen items for children such as Denenes, ISDIN and also the Safe Sea brand, which is the one that the Man in Black has applied in the El Hormiguero program before getting into a Fishbowl with jellyfish.

Children are very curious, but it is preferable do not touch or catch them even if they are dead and of course, heed the warning signs of the beach in the presence of jellyfish.

What to do about a jellyfish sting

Jellyfish sting causes itching, pain, redness and inflammation in the contact area. There are at least a dozen home remedies that circulate to relieve jellyfish stings, but few are effective.

  • You must apply salt water or physiological serum
  • Apply ice wrapped in a bag for 15-20 minutes
  • If they are left, they recommend removing the remains of tentacles from the skin with a credit card (or similar) with a sweeping motion, since with tweezers, these could break and stay inside.
  • If necessary, apply a cream with corticosteroids to decrease inflammation and take pain reliever.

What NOT to do

  • Do not apply vinegar
  • Do not use soap
  • Do not wash with fresh water
  • Do not rub with sand
  • Do not apply alcohol
  • Do not apply urine

We can also find in the pharmacy a cream with natural ingredients to relieve and neutralize jellyfish stings. It is called Medusicalm of the Martiderm brand and comes in a boat and in practical single-dose envelopes ideal for carrying in your bag.

Warning symptoms

In most cases, the bite only stays in a reddened area, burning and swelling, but in people who have sensitivity to the stinging substance, the symptoms can be more severe. Before any of them, one must ask for medical help or urgently approach a health center.

  • Thoracic oppression
  • Cramps and muscle spasms.
  • Respiratory distress
  • Headache, vomiting
  • Anaphylactic shock (reaction to the substance that causes a shock).

Video: First Aid: Jellyfish Sting. First Aid (July 2024).