"The birth of my daughter", shocking documentary self-portrait about a real birth

Not all people know what a normal birth is like, and I assure you that it has nothing to do with those seen in the movies. It is precisely this ignorance that confuses many women about this very intimate and revealing process that the artist Ana Alvarez Errecalde has wanted to share through "The birth of my daughter", an impressive documentary self-portrait about a real birth.

Ana is the mother of three children, she is the author of the book 'Cesárea, beyond the wound', which has received excellent reviews, and other photographic works that I invite you to see on her website because they are very powerful.

In the video he reveals that at the time of taking the photos of his daughter's birth, he didn't think he was going to share them, but then he thought it would be very interesting to see what a real birth looks like.

The images show a woman who has just given birth, smiling, naked, bloody, holding her baby in arms still joined by the umbilical cord and with the placenta at her side. The whole scene on a white background, which generates even greater impact.

Ana wanted to share her own experience and when talking about exposing her privacy at such a special moment, she gives an answer that I found very interesting and I share it below:

"I expose myself as much as the viewer is exposed, because I expose my experience, but the viewer may also be exposing his prejudices, his rejection of the unknown or his empathy and his admiration."

I leave you with the video. Enjoy it.

Video: Ice Cube, Kevin Hart And Conan Help A Student Driver - CONAN on TBS (July 2024).