And if you bet on an educational use of the smartphone in the Institute?

When high school students began to take their mobiles to class systematically, teachers and school leaders were in need of opening a debate. If the phone rings in the middle of a class the teacher and classmates are disturbed, if you are typing to send text messages, it is not answered.

From “prehistoric” mobiles (as my son calls them, they are simply a bit outdated for me) we turn to smartphones. So many possibilities on the same device! and also so many utilities that are set aside against the massive use of instant messaging and cameras.

A year ago I discovered a process initiated in some Catalan Institutes, as I know, in Galicia the experience is also being developed (and you forgive me because I am sure that in other places such initiatives are implemented, although I do not know it). It is about to educate in the use - educational -, instead of in the prohibition, and in this way the smartphone can have a presence (limited use) in the classroom.

The m - Learning we already know what it is, or at least it sounds to us: it is about the Teaching and learning methodology using mobile devices with Internet connectivity. And it is a breakthrough in education, because it allows students much more active participation, while pushing them to make decisions.

At a minimum, this methodology is consistent with the times, so we do not usually have problems with the use of laptops (it would be desirable to overcome the context of the computer classroom, as Marcos indicated here), even tablets. But when I talk about the educational uses of the smartphone, I don't usually find favorable positions between parents.

I wouldn't even know how to manage this situation in a class with children for whom their mobile is little more than a mini game console and an instant communication channel. But there are professors who do bet on it, and they send us the message that if you don't take action, you can't start new things.

It is clear that getting out of our comfort, of what we know, costs (Marcos calls it "comfort zone"), but innovation is always unknown. And yet it gives children tools to be creative or learn to make decisions.

In any case if the mobile is strictly prohibited in class, he turns his back on reality. Why miss a doubly educational opportunity?

How can you educate a mobile in class?

This report from La Vanguardia tells how in the IES Torre de Palau de Terrassa (Barcelona) they are educating in the use of smartphones, so that they do not emphasize the prohibition. Of course, the ordinance approved by the cloister and school board, makes it clear that the device will be silenced and saved during classes.

That at one point the teacher tells them to take it out because they are designing apps or need to record themselves while they speak English? Well, they take it out of their bags and work on their phones. In addition, a smartphone serves as a photo or video camera, which gives a lot of play when inventing photo contests, or recording an interview with the school chef to explain how menus are planned (examples, of course).

One of the main skills to develop in this century it is the use (not only consumption) and creation of technology. Today we all know the amount of utilities that can be given to a mobile phone in different professional fields, because facilitates fast communication between professionals and suppliers, between professionals and clients, between specialists who exchange information, etc (when a colleague I talked to here asked for advice from a colleague in Italy through a PC, that was the bomb !, imagine today in day as the possibilities and opportunities have multiplied).

There are many possible learning tasks with a mobile phone from search and analysis of current news to educational podcasts, through developing practical sheets or summaries

The idea that some teachers and centers bet on is reject the prohibition to avoid the denial of a reality, while exploring with students the possibilities, and educating them in safe use.

But the misuse of the internet, social networks, instant messaging ...

Okay, sometimes problems arise because of that: misuse, but with the device in hand, the teacher can also educate in risk avoidance, while everyone downloads an application to use in the guided tour they will do the next day to a natural park.

Lisa Nielsen is a teacher, and is an innovative teacher, she may come from her experience in school, which qualifies as boring and irrelevant, now she wants to help change the experience of the children she works with, and investigate so that students have relevant experiences at school.

In his words, today's children are "locked in classrooms of the past" (with exceptions). Lisa has a blog called The Innovative Educator, which is a source of inspiration for many Education professionals. Ensures that you can regulate the use of the smartphone at school, put it at the service of learning and take advantage of it. When the boys and girls are clear about the limitations, there are usually no problems and the incidents are left out.

One of the reasons that Nielsen points out for incorporating teaching through the telephone into the classroom is to think that this practice saves - in part - the lack of investment in technology in schools. In this regard, it is clear that investment in education is very important, and it must be claimed that it is among the priorities of the countries; But in part I agree with Lisa because the high school students still have their smartphone (if the total is not reached at age 12, with 14/15 the figures will go up), why not get more out of it?

A responsibility of teachers (and parents too, please) is to teach children self-protection in the network, all right: the mistakes will be yours, and therefore they must learn to manage them and learn from them. But being responsible in the use of technology is not incompatible with using technology for educational purposes.

What do you think of them? As you know, I have sometimes considered the age at which children are bought the mobile, therefore I have a somewhat ambivalent posture, but for the age at which they will really take it out class match (probably from ESO 3) have the "buts" disappeared, will I be buying the phone too soon?

On the other hand I recognize that in practice the smartphone can be very useful in class, without prejudice (because it is about adding and not subtracting) from other pedagogical tools, and that if it is initially the task of management teams and professors, who in turn will transfer them to the students in the style of “we will take out the mobile for homework, then we will keep it and continue in silence; and by the way do we also talk about that girl from x city who has been cyberbullying ”

Images | Irish Typepad, Gregory Foster
More information | Lisa Nielsen, Educaweb, Orange Blog
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