Signs that your child is well educated

Again I read in various media articles that tell us how ill-educated children are now, capricious and spoiled, demanding that things be made clear and learn to obey without complaining as soon as possible. And I, rather than tell you how to recognize that your children are rude, I will remind you the signs that you are educating them very well.

They are empathic

Children love their parents, they even love them when parents do not deserve it, but if you are parents who educate their children well you will realize that they care that you feel good, they show concern if you are tired, sick or nervous and try to collaborate so that things are pleasant and you feel happy. Children show that they are able to put themselves in the shoes of others and feel their emotions. Well behaved children are empathic.

Soon you can see that, as I said, Children who receive a good education are empathetic, although it is fair to expect that sometimes his impulses and emotions will not let us see him. But if we do not see empathy in them regularly, we should be alert and check if our way of treating them is not the most correct.

Children learn mostly from what we adults do, much more than what we say. So if you know how to show love to your children and you are sincere with them, you avoid blackmail or excessive pressures, it is certain that they will return love to you greatly and surprise you with kind and considerate gestures.

This empathy can also be observed towards other people, especially towards younger siblings, younger children or defenseless animals. If our child hurts other people, does not feel his suffering or seems funny, we should worry. Well-educated children want other people to feel good because it is what they have learned that human beings do.

They do not tolerate abuses of power

If we have educated our children well, they will know how to recognize the abusive and aggressive behaviors of other people, they will not accept threats and will not consider that they should shut up and obey any adult, especially if they do not behave well with them. And that applies to ourselves. Well educated children do not tolerate abuses of power.

When anyone, even if we are the parents themselves, acts unfairly or abuses their power, a child with a proper education will know that he deserves to be respected at all times and will claim his rights without fear.

If violent or unfair behavior is suffered outside the home: with family, friends or at school, you will not be afraid to tell us what happened directly, without letting situations increase in severity. If we yell at him and he tells us not to yell at him, we are educating him well.

A sign that a child is well educated is that he even knows how to respond to an impertinent or rude adult safely and without disrespecting but making clear the limits of what he will accept.

This self-protection, respect and self-safety education and your rights should start from childhood and it will be a tool that will help you a lifetime. If we teach you since childhood that no one can disrespect you and that you should not tolerate aggressions of any kind, you can venture into life, far from our protection, with much more peace of mind and reaction capacity.

Are themselves

Children transmit joy with ease but complete happiness is not limited to hours of play or laughter when you see something funny, as adults well know. Competing happiness is an attitude towards life and people, demonstrating that we are not afraid to show ourselves as we really are and we welcome the differences of others with respect.

Children who are safe, who talk to other people without fear of being mocked or scolding, and who show how they are able to enjoy moments of all kinds, without letting themselves be overcome by difficulties, are teaching us that they know how to be happy.

That a child is able to maintain their opinions without feeling intimidated by you or anyone else, nor need to be aggressive to defend their posture or opinion. Than your son feels valuable for being who he isThat you respect yourself and others is a clear sign that you are being well educated.

Signs that your child is well educated

Parents make many mistakes in the education and upbringing of our children. We are irrational, capricious, bossy, selfish, ignorant ... too many times, but even then we can educate children well.

An almost infallible sign that we are educating well is that our children Be happy people and make them and us happy to spend time, a lot of time, together. If that fails, then of course we should rethink what we are doing to not educate our children well and change.

Video: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting. Julie Lythcott-Haims (July 2024).