Digital Learning Day: access to quality education and need for adult accompaniment

Today, Digital Learning Day is being celebrated in the United States, an event that as far as I know, has not yet been imported into Spain. The intention is to strengthen equal opportunities in access to learning that combines emerging technologies with new pedagogies, and plays an important role in the second pillar of education for the 21st century: that of "learning to learn".

From Inevery Crea they tell us that digital learning includes a wide range of tools and methodologies that give priority to quality teaching, and at the same time favor access to interesting content. Among the outstanding characteristics that we can attribute to Digital Learning, I will point out that it is possible with it learn at any time, which allows to overcome the physical barriers formed by spaces such as classroom / domicile, and that using ICT, we can approximate the educational needs of each student.

However, as highlighted in, it is not easy to have competent access to the information inherent in the learning processes, because children are not afraid to use technology (as sometimes happens with parents), and that is good , but while they are small, they may have difficulties in discerning valid content, prioritizing, classifying, and systematizing the results obtained; that's why it is necessary that let's guide and supervise.

Digital learning is already with us, and will become increasingly important; This is a fact, and taking into account that in the future technology will be even more present, it is necessary that children can get closer to it.