From Sara Carbonero and other pregnant women who do not accept physical changes well

She is considered one of the most beautiful women in our country, although a server likes her wife more, and in the photos in which we see her pregnant it becomes clear that the kilos she is gaining in her pregnancy are all being deposited in her belly , why she looks as pretty as ever, but with a belly.

She, however, seems not to think alike and is that, as commented these days in the press, is complexed with the changes and the kilos of her pregnancy to the point of not accepting any new work (only those already signed by contract) or attending any public event. If it will be true or not, I do not know, but as it is not impossible and as this also happens with other pregnant women, who do not accept in that new state, I want to talk about them today, about women who do not accept physical changes well.

And what does a man do about the acceptance or not of the physical changes of a pregnant woman?

In case you wonder, I answer you right now. I speak, man, about it, precisely because of that, because I am a man and because, as such, I care less about the physicist than the vast majority of women. Men, with some exceptions that will soon go out of style, are not too aware of our physique, or if we walk it is not as much as the average of women. We are simpler: a haircut when you play, a shave from time to time (more frequent depending on the work you have) and exercise if you enjoy doing it, if not even that, and perhaps for health. Oh, and if we ever decided to go on a diet, it will be because of being able to see our feet and also for health, but not so much for showing off a six-part abdomen.

Well, I comment for all that and because we have a hard time understanding that there are women who give so much importance to their physique. Not that we dislike, much less, as I say Sara Carbonero is very beautiful, but sure she would be equally beautiful if she didn't pay so much attention to her physique and always go to fashion and with a perfect complexion.

Victims of his image

Every woman knows that when she gets pregnant the body will change. It is impepinable, it is the law of life, it is logical and it is also seen every day. The baby grows inside, the belly increases in size, you gain weight, you retain some fluid and that is why you can see pregnant women with a more round face, for the kilos and accumulated liquids, and others, such as Sara and my wife, who on the back nobody would say they are pregnant, because the kilos go straight to the belly.

By this I mean that the body can change a little, or it can change a lot. It is normal, the woman must know that it is normal and the couple must know it too and must demonstrate that the love she feels for her does not come from her image (but to see what the couples will do when they reach forty, fifty and sixty ... Separate because you're not the same one I married? Absurd).

However, no matter how much you tell a woman that "I love you the same, even with these extra kilos," the self-image of one does not always come from the opinions of others, but from the opinion she has of herself. same. If she has always been thin, if she has always been beautiful, if she has always felt that way and if she also lives from her image, being something important to her, that can happen, that any change, even a pregnancy, can affect. It is one of the symptoms of our society, one of the symptoms of giving more importance to appearances than to who you really are, one of the symptoms of making women the object of desire for their appearance and one of the symptoms of considering beautiful woman tall and thin, and less beautiful, or pulling ugly or poorly done to the shortest woman with more kilos.

And after pregnancy, to lose kilos right away

It is said that people close to Sara recommend that you diet. I do not know what diet they want me to do, if there is nothing more to see that the extra kilos are not fat. Also, as we have commented here on Babies and moreDieting during pregnancy is very little recommended. She herself, with a lot of common sense, has replied that no, that she will not go to any gym or do any regime for this reason.

You will have time after pregnancy to lose the few kilos that you will have gained as quickly as you feel necessary, in another symptom that, as I say, pregnancy feels, in a way, as a defective transit moment in which the woman is afea and from which one must flee quickly, forgetting it as the kilos are lost. Remember three years ago, for example, when Corporación Dermoestética offered the "Pack mothers" with which they offered surgical interventions and special diets to lose the kilos of pregnancy with better prices. Amazing.

What will the extra pounds be for?

Then one stops to think. If in normal conditions a woman has a more or less balanced weight with her height (she does moderate exercise, has a balanced diet and is emotionally stable), why does she gain weight in pregnancy? Well the same is not for anything or the same is for something. If we consider that take care of a child wears what is not writtenWell, it turns out that it is for that. You have a baby and you are going to throw yourself a few weeks, a few months, a few years, behind him. Running behind you, trying to reach everything, breastfeeding (which consumes about 500 kcal per day) and, ultimately, being a mother. Parents, look, we do not change so much when we wait for a baby, but as we are more carefree we already walk with a kilo of more before being parents and, as we do not breastfeed, we have a little more margin.

So Sara ...

So Sara, I repeat, you are as beautiful as ever, but surely your partner already tells you. And even if you had gained weight and changed more, it is motherhood that in one way or another leaves its mark. A body that changes because in it a baby has been born does not cease to be, at least for me, a beautiful body, because there has been life, a baby, the fruit of the love of two people. That should weigh more than any appearance. In addition, people cannot measure themselves, nor can we measure ourselves by our kilos or our beauty. Yes, it helps, that we all enter this game, but we cannot be happier or more unhappy depending on our appearance, especially because it is volatile, because youth is lost and beauty changes and moves away, over the years, from established canons.

Enjoy your pregnancy, enjoy the "Eat, love, suck" of Carlos González, which I know you are reading, and think of everything that is to come, I am sure that if you live it with intensity and leave aside a bit of wanting to be always perfect for people who do not know how to value other things that are not a beautiful physique, you will enjoy a lot.

Video: Flame Gulping Engine (July 2024).