We are no longer a couple, now we are a family

There are several times that I have been able to read and listen to people advising fathers and mothers that they should continue to live as a couple, continue having dinner there if they did before or look for a day from time to time, or that it is every month, to be The two together without their children.

I do not know if I am a very unromantic person (it may be) or that I feel more attached to my children than other people (it may also be), but I have never felt the need to have that dinner or that couple's day (and my lady wife either).

It is not that I do not want to be with her and spend time together, because I would lie if I said I do not want to, but when I have heard such advice and I have imagined the situation I have felt half empty, as if something was missing in that equation, and that is when I hear I always have the same phrase about making a couple's life: We are no longer a couple, now we are a family.

There are not many people who have asked us why we do not leave children with grandparents someday or why we do not have a dinner of fathers or mothers without children, although some have done it and we have always said no.

It is not a resounding "no", it is an "no" with excuse, from the respect, which is explained by saying that is that we do not go out without our children, because we would miss them so much that we would not have fun.

Separately we have done some things, well things, business dinners and stop counting, but because we knew that the other was in charge of the children. It is as if we want them to always be with the company, the warmth and the shelter of dad or mom, as if we want them to feel always cared for by one of us, always accompanied, always in our lives.

I know that there are couples who go on a trip without the children, who go on a trip with the older children and are left to the little ones, who make weekend getaways without them, or a day, or a night. I will never criticize this, ever, because children have a great time with grandparents and I think it is very healthy and very positive that they enjoy them, but is that we don't know how to do it.

It may be a lack of habit, although of course, to get used to something you have to want to do it, I say. Some people look at us strangely, who probably thinks that we are overprotective parents who never separate from their children.

I don't see it that way, because I wouldn't call a woman who spends a lot of time with her husband and wants to do a lot of things with him overprotective. In any case, I would say that she is a woman who loves her husband very much, to define it in some way, or who thinks about him a lot, not to enter into love measurements.

If we talk about children, I cannot say that "I love them very much," because all parents are supposed to love their children very much. I guess I can only explain in a way not being able to be without them if I have free time: We are no longer a couple, now we are a family, and the free time is to spend it with the people you love most: my wife and my two children, in my case.

Video: The 4 Brothers Who Were Nearly Starved To Death By Their Parents. The Oprah Winfrey Show. OWN (July 2024).