Dads who do not quit smoking

Every so often a descriptive study appears in the media in which it is said that three hundred women continue to smoke despite being pregnant. The information is given, the risks are explained and they are recommended to leave it as soon as possible for the sake of their babies.

However, never, never, never talk about father (or the couple) and nobody remembers him in these recommendations, perhaps that is why he thinks that "if she leaves it, he will leave it also to support her".

The fact is that as a nurse I find many (too many) times with mothers who explain that when they became pregnant, or even before, they stopped smoking and that they still do not do so after giving birth and when asking husbands about this issue, they respond so calm down no they did not stop smoking, and that they continue to do so as parents, because "it is very hard to leave."

I do not doubt it, I am not a smoker nor have I ever been, but I do not doubt it. However, in a situation like the aforementioned, in which both the father and the mother are smokers, both have a hard time quitting and yet only the mother works responsibly.

The parents act in a totally selfish way by not thinking about the mother (knowing how difficult it can be for her to quit smoking, little help you if you continue smoking), or the baby (you want it not, the future mother will it will become a passive smoker because a lot or a little, it will end up inhaling your smoke).

The child is born and appear by the consultation of the pediatrician and the nurse who, when asking the rigorous questions, realizes that the father smokes. It is recommended that you leave it, for your sake, but especially for your baby's, it is explained that when one of the parents smokes, he should not sleep in the same room as the baby, at least until 14 weeks, because the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) increases for this reason.

One hopes that perhaps at that time parents become aware and make for their baby the effort they did not make in their day for his wife. However, they go back to the review every month, at two months, at three and it doesn't fail, they go out the door of the primary care center and dad lights a cigarette. Anyway…

Video: Quit Smoking : How to Get Your Parents to Stop Smoking (July 2024).