What to do when a child hits his head

My 11-month-old baby has started to take his little steps from my hands. He is at the stage where he does not want to do anything but walk and explore everything he sees in his path.

It is the time of the falls, no matter how much care you have, it usually happens that the child receives a blow. A blow to the head should always be taken care of and monitored.

For small blows to the head, it is best to apply ice wrapped in a handkerchief or cold water compresses over the area for a few minutes, taking small breaks.

If the blow is more severe, you should go to a medical service to be evaluated by a professional. If the child is sent home, you have to be alert for the next 24 hours and be alert to the warning signs: * To lose consciousness: check your level of consciousness every 2 or three hours. During the night if the child sleeps you have to wake him up to see if he is well.

  • Unusual behavior: observe if the child is very irritable or too sleepy.

  • Abnormal movements: observe if strange movements appear, uncoordination in the movements of feet or arms.

  • Eyes: observe if you have any deviation in the look or your pupils are of unequal size.

If you have a headache, vomiting, loss of blood (or a clear liquid) through the nose or ear or other of the symptoms described, it is necessary to go to a hospital urgently.

Video: When to worry about head bumps due to falls in children? - Dr. Shaheena Athif (July 2024).