How to treat nausea and dizziness in pregnancy: do acupressure bracelets work?

Few future moms get rid of dizziness and nausea, and even vomiting, which accompany the beginning of pregnancy. Luckily, not all suffer even with the same intensity.

There is no medical treatment to solve them, but there are some dietary measures that relieve them. Acupuncture is also talked about in order to control them. Based on this, there are some silicon bracelets, which press on the point of the wrist that controls these discomforts to relieve them and even avoid them. But what are nausea and why do they appear? How are these bracelets? Do they really work?

Nausea: does it affect all women?

89% of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness, while 53% also suffer from vomiting. ” This is revealed A study from Ronna L. Chan, from the University of North Carolina, United States, published in the journal Human Reprodution, which analyzed the presence or absence of these symptoms and their duration in more than 2,400 women. ”

But, according to this same investigation, “Not all women with normal pregnancies have nausea and vomiting. In addition, the symptoms of pregnancy vary even in the pregnancies of the same woman. ”

When do they appear?

Nausea and vomiting can occur at any time of the day or night. They usually make an appearance around the sixth week of pregnancy and they reach their maximum expression around the ninth week. Luckily, it is common for them to disappear between weeks 16 and 18, although some moms have to deal with them longer.

We cannot deny that they are annoying, although they are considered normal in a healthy pregnancy and do not affect the mother or the fetus. You only have to worry and see a doctor if the nausea is so frequent and intense that the woman vomits persistently several times a day, loses weight and does not admit food or drinks, because she runs the risk of becoming dehydrated.

This medical disorder is known as 'hyperemesis gravidarum', usually starts between the fourth and fifth week of pregnancy and lasts beyond week 16.

What causes them?

Like most pregnancy disorders, hormonal changes They are usually behind. From the first days, it increases chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone produced by the placenta. This hormone regulates the functioning of the gonads, sex glands that produce estrogen and progesterone, and also acts on the area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus, the center of nausea.

As of week 13 of gestation, HCG begins to decrease and nausea subsides until it disappears. Further, the senses of taste and smell increase considerably and any smell or taste can cause a feeling of disgust and rejection.

During pregnancy, car sickness is also more frequent. They can be associated with the motion sickness and are caused by the sense of balance, regulated by the labyrinth (located in the ears).

The turbulence, braking and pulling, to which our body is subjected to travel disrupts this motionless structure. Then, the ear transmits discomfort to the stomach, dilating its walls, with the consequent increase in heaviness and discomfort.

How can they be treated?

There is no treatment that completely eliminates the feeling of dizziness and the desire to vomit during pregnancy, but there are some remedies that can help alleviate this discomfort, including:

  • Make five meals a day. You have to eat little and often. It is about avoiding the emptiness in the stomach and also the copious meals that leave a feeling of satiety.

  • Avoid certain foods such as very strong, very fatty or excessively spicy and spicy foods.

  • Avoid strong odors.

  • Prefer the carbohydrates

  • Eat a cookie as soon as you get up to avoid the feeling of an empty stomach.

Acupressure bracelets: placebo effect?

Acupuncture is a therapy that is usually used to treat nausea in pregnancy naturally, but there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness, beyond the placebo effect.

In this ancient Chinese medicine the acupressure bracelets, a predecessor technique of acupuncture. According to its manufacturers, "they are elastic bracelets that prevent and reduce nausea and vomiting, pressing on point P6, located about four centimeters from the wrist crease. "

What do doctors say?

We have asked the experts. He Dr. Jonatan Sánchez Oliver and Dr. Elena Barrajón, from the Gynecology and Obstetrics service, Severo Ochoa University Hospital of Leganés (Madrid) understand that “these latex-free silicone bracelets perform their function through acupressure on the wrist at the P6 Nei-Kuan point, which according to traditional medicine China is used to treat various symptoms, including nausea and vomiting. ”

But they add that “several studies conclude that there is no statistically significant evidence in favor of its use ". A review of studies was published in the journal Cochrane under the title Interventions for nausea and vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy, and concludes:

"Due to the high prevalence of nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy, health professionals need to provide women with clear guidance, according to systematically reviewed tests. High quality evidence is lacking to support the advice. Difficulties in interpreting the results of the studies included in this review highlight the need for specific, consistent and clearly justified results and approaches to measure research studies.

However, they have no adverse effect on the mother or the baby, so "its use is not discouraged".

In Babies and More What will i feel? The most frequent discomforts in the first trimester of pregnancy, Fifteen tips to control dizziness and nausea during pregnancy

Video: Acupuncture for Nausea-Mayo Clinic (July 2024).