Are you lazy to take off your summer clothes? Do it without stress in nine steps

It's been a while since it started to get hot, but your son still goes to school with thick pants and long-sleeved shirts and dawns sweating to sleep in his winter pajamas. They are unambiguous symptoms that, one more year, we are late to take off summer clothes.

A task that many of us are doing uphill, especially if there is more than one child at home, because it is not just about ordering; we also have to see what suits them and what doesn't, what we keep for next year, what we get rid of ... With these nine steps, taking out summer clothes is less lazy.

1. Set day and time for the "closet operation"

Call your friend the organized one, place the children on someone or whatever you can think of, but give this ungrateful day (time) to many of us. If you have it scheduled and have organized for it, you have time to mentalize yourself and you will avoid postponing it when the time comes.

2. Store winter clothes ...

Here I will not extend much because this post is about summer clothes, but you have to keep in mind that everything you do this year you will save next year. The clothes are best kept clean (do not use fabric softener) and always put a note in the box with the name and what kind of clothes are inside (so you also facilitate the search if you need something timely when you have already saved it) and use some repellent product moths Experts recommend using plastic boxes (which can also be stacked on top of each other) or clothes bags and avoid cardboard boxes or grocery bags. Be careful with the dampness or the direct sun in the place where we will have our clothes stored until the next season.

3 ... but not all

You may need warm clothes if you go on vacation to a cold weather site or if you go to the beach, where you usually cool at night. In airplanes or trains the air conditioning is usually quite strong. Curiously, where I have most missed outerwear in summer it has been precisely in countries where it is very hot, because when you enter a restaurant or a shopping center it seems that you are at the north pole and the little ones, especially when they are Babies, they stay frozen. It is convenient to keep some long-sleeved pants and shirts (or thin sweatshirts) some whole pajamas and not forget the socks.

4. Check attics, storage rooms ... and make memory

Has it happened to you that, looking for something else, you have found clothes that you had been given for your child and can no longer wear because it is too small? The change of closet operation is the best time to check out attics, storage rooms, closets or under the beds in search of clothes that you have been able to store at the time and can serve the children this season.

5. Select

Maybe you have been very careful and have kept the clothes of last year super organized by child and type of clothes (pajamas, street clothes ...). But let's assume that it has not been so and what you have is a huge colorful mountain. The first and most basic, if you have more than one child, is separate by child.

6. Classify

Once this is done, the following classification is: what is worth for that season and what not. There will be things that you see clearly that are doing well (right in the closet) and then the "doubts" section will inevitably remain. This is a problem, because trying on clothes for two hours is not usually an entertaining activity for them. So there is no choice but to leave these garments away and try them on when you leave them and then send them to their corresponding place.

7. Discard

Now we go with clothes that are not worth it. If there are smaller brothers, it is clear. Save it and put in the box / bag what it is and the size to avoid point 4. Otherwise, it is time to get rid of what is left small.

There are garments that, for their price, quality or condition (for example, clothing for events that children have used very little) can be sold online. What is good is distributed among nephews, children of friends, etc. or you can also donate and garments that are unusable, to recycle.

8. Yes, the baby's too

If it's your baby's second or third summer, you have a problem: when you start taking out all those tiny bodysuits and other adorable clothes you're going to get excited you will remember how tiny it was when you were wearing it and you will realize how fast it grows and that in no time it will no longer be a baby.

Here you will be made a sea of ​​tears and you will need the help of the organized friend, your partner and even the companion Lucy Ortega, who gives you a lot of ideas in this article about what to do with the baby clothes that are It has been small before resorting to the classic "I'll think about it next year" that refers us to point number 2.

Here would come the part of how to order the clothes in the closet or drawers, but that gives for a separate post, so I keep it for another day.

8. Go shopping

Now that we have all the summer clothes in order, we can make a detailed list of what children need for that season, which will help us not to buy on impulse and spend more than the bill.

If the budget allows it, it is the ideal time to buy the last winter clothes that have been left very low and save it for next year (of course, calculating one more size). Why with these nine steps is not so lazy to take out the summer clothes?

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