A baby is born during a plane trip and the airline gives you free flights for life

During pregnancy a certain point comes, regularly in the 32 weeks, in which women are forbidden to travel by plane for the safety of us and the baby. However, even if the necessary precautions are taken, sometimes babies decide to be born too early.

This happened to a woman in India, who he was traveling by plane when he went into mid-term labor.

This is not the first case of a baby born during a flight. A few years ago the same thing happened to another woman, and likewise the company gave unlimited free flights to her baby.

This time it was a woman traveling on Jet Airways, one of the largest and most important airlines in India. The flight had to be diverted from its destination so that the mother could be treated in a hospital, however the baby could not wait so long. Fortunately among the passengers was a paramedic, who helped bring the baby into the world with the support of the crew members.

The news was announced in a publication of the company on Monday in its Twitter account:

Welcome to the world! pic.twitter.com/2Fco5V7V9j

- Jet Airways (@jetairways) June 19, 2017

In the message, which was written as if the baby had done it addressed to his father, we can read that they thank mom for her spirit, the crew members who supported her and especially the company for giving her away free travel for life.

The company took advantage of the fact that this Sunday Father's Day was also celebrated in India to mention that this was his gift for dad. "They say you're lucky when you're born with a silver spoon, I say you're lucky when you're born with wings to fly! With love, the baby on board"concludes the message posted on their social networks.

Fortunately, mother and son are well and parents are happy with the arrival of their baby as well as the fantastic airline gift for their little one.

Video: Baby Prematurely Born Mid-Flight Gets Free Plane Rides For Life (July 2024).